Keyword Research Methods
SEO Tools and their usage
Back link strategies potential and possibilities
As a webmaster you must have already known that Page rank and SERPS are the most important factors in website marketing nowadays – Even though the terminologies are explained below for your information. If you can increase page rank and SERPs, this will bring a lot of direct organic traffic from search engine results, you will get more readers, more sales and more click through. But how? Page rank and SERP’s are interlinked but they refer to two special things.
The term page rank is associated with the algorithm, which Google uses to evaluate the significance and consequence of each webpage. A page can be ranked with a scale of 0 to 10 and newer pages often fail to have any page rank at all. Pages within a website may or may not have different page ranks. One of the main issues that resolve page rank is the existence or the age of that page. Other factors include number of internal links a page has to other pages, site structure, page loading times and quality of the outbound links and number of external links that are pointing towards the page. This is how the concept you can imply to increase page rank and SERPs.
Page rank also has a many issues associated with page contents. Do your pages give the reader as much info as achievable on the topic? Google usually tends to place pages with higher page ranks at the crest of the search results because they offer the best possible efforts a user could look for. You’ll notice that a popular encyclo site Wikipedia pages rank at the top of Google’s search results because many have a page rank of 5,6,7 or 8, and additionally Wikipedia offers extremely valuable content high and content. The webmasters often use Wikipedia as a resource to increase Page Rank and SERPs.
The other term SERP refers to where a webpage is placed in Google’s search results for a given keyword or phrase. Say, you’ve written a web page on the key tag "blue frogs" you would definitely want your page to come up high in the results exploration when someone types "blue frogs" into the Google search engine. Preferably, you want your page to be at number 1 in Google’s search results. Building powerful links and using the popular SEO techniques around will help you to increase page rank and SERPs.